You’ve already done the hard work of making the meal. Now you just get to enjoy the benefits of your prior planning. Below are 30 recipes that we highly recommend doubling and freezing—one batch for tonight’s meal, one batch for another night. There are several casserole, soup, and stew recipes, here but we’ve thrown a few surprises in, too.

Freezing and reheating casseroles: Casseroles can all be frozen as one large casserole or individual portions, wrapped tightly in foil. Reheat casseroles covered loosely with foil in a 350°F oven; individual portions are best unwrapped and reheated in the microwave.

Freezing and reheating soups and stews: Soups and stews can also be frozen in batches or individual servings. Reheat over low heat on the stovetop, or in 1- to 5-minute increments in the microwave, stirring between each increment.

What are your favorite meals to double and freeze?