That’s when it pays to have friends who actually know what they are doing. After trying unsuccessfully to recreate a fabulous soufflé I enjoyed at a brunch given by Bay Area chef Brett Emerson I broke down and asked him for help. Thank goodness for talented friends who are generous with their advice! Here are some pointers Brett gave me about soufflés.

Tips To Making a Soufflé Light and Fluffy

Butter the ramekins thoroughly, then coat with very fine breadcrumbs.Use cake flour instead of all purpose flour in the bechamel.Use extra egg whites. Whip them to soft peaks that are dancing on the edge of becoming stiff peaks.Work quickly and fold with a light touch.

Note that soufflés really are a bit tricky to make; this is not a beginner recipe. But if you are confident with your egg white whipping and folding skills, you should have no problem with this one. What I love about Brett’s approach is that you can actually make these soufflés in advance, which is perfect for a brunch gathering or a party in which you want to have most of the cooking done ahead of time. We ate half of them right out of the oven, and we re-baked the other half for a later meal. Both sets were delicious. Very slowly, add the milk to the mixture, little by little, whisking constantly. Stir in 1/2 teaspoon of salt, the nutmeg, cumin, mustard, ginger, and some fresh ground black pepper. Lower the heat to low and let cook for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally to keep the mixture from sticking to the pan. After 15 minutes, remove the béchamel from the heat and stir in the cheese. Stir in the egg yolks until well combined. At this point you can make ahead the soufflé mixture. Refrigerate to store for up to two days. Return to room temperature before proceeding. Place the ramekins in the bain marie baking dish. Place baking dish on the middle rack in the oven. Pour boiling water into the baking dish around the ramekins until the water comes up halfway the sides of the ramekins. Make ahead instructions: You can serve the soufflés immediately or you can serve them later. To proceed for serving them later, let the soufflés sit in the bain marie for 15 minutes. Then use run a sharp knife around the edges and invert the individual soufflés to a buttered baking sheet. Cool to room temperature, wrap in plastic and store in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. Return to room temperature before re-baking. Heat oven to 400°F, bake the soufflés on a buttered baking sheet, not in ramekins, for 7-8 minutes, and serve.