My first recollection of beef tongue was when I was about 8 years old and there happened to be a huge one in the refrigerator. It looked, and felt (I touched it, who could resist?) like a ginormous tongue. Just like my little 8-year old tongue, but oh my gosh, it was so big! And then my parents cooked it and made us eat it. (No idea how they prepared it.) The texture. It was so, so tongue-like. All too weird, even for me. Fast forward a couple decades (okay, more than a couple) and I’m in Mexico when my bud Matt announces that there’s a crowd around the lengua tacos in the buffet line. I get there just in time to scoop up the last of the day’s lengua for my taco and I’m in tongue heaven. So tender, so perfect in a taco. Here’s the deal with tongue. Prepared correctly it is melt-in-your-mouth tender (from slow braising) and flavorful (because it’s a muscle that got a lot of exercise). If you chop it up enough the texture isn’t an issue. Its home of homes is truly in a taco, slathered with tomatillo salsa verde. By the way, my mother instructed me to tell you that the way you know you are at an authentic taqueria is that there are “tacos de lengua” (tongue tacos) on the menu. If you find yourself at such a taqueria, try some! Or if you are the adventurous sort, and love tacos and Mexican food, the following is a traditional Mexican recipe for tacos de lengua, taught to me by my Acapulco friend Arturo. This is the way his mother made it for him growing up. Outrageously good. If I could, I would eat the entire batch all by myself. Bottled or canned salsa verde can be found in the Hispanic section of markets. Bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer, cover, and cook for 3 hours, until the tongue is soft to the touch and tender. Notice the light colored skin-like covering over most of the tongue. Using your fingers, and/or a sharp small knife, remove this covering and discard. Notice the rough patch of meat where the tongue would attach to the bottom of the mouth. Arturo removes this patch (as does his mother when she prepares tongue) because it is a little rough. It’s perfectly edible though, so keep it attached if you want. Heat a little oil in a frying pan on medium high and sauté the slices on both sides until they are lightly browned. Place a large spoonful of meat in the center of a tortilla. Add a spoonful of salsa verde and some chopped avocado, onion, and chopped fresh cilantro. Garnish with radish slices. Cuban-style beef tongue with tomatoes, peppers, and onions from Masa Assassin Beef tongue in caper sauce from Nikas Culinaria Another take on tacos de lengua from He Cooks, She Cooks Many thanks to Arturo Vargas of Taste for the Senses for sharing his family recipe of tacos de lengua.