Bacon Fried Bread Croutons. I wasn’t sure whether to include that in the title, thinking it would probably send any health conscious readers running for the hills (sorry guys! It still tastes fab without the croutons!!). But then I thought about my other readers. Yes - you guys. The ones who can’t resist the lure of bread, fried in bacon fat.

I always have this internal argument when I make fried bread. It goes something like this: Voice one: Arteries!!! Think about your arteries!! You’re 37 now. You need to start thinking about grown-up things like avoiding wrinkles, going to bed at a sensible time and protecting your arteries! Voice two: But it tastes so gooooooooood! Voice one: Have have some wholemeal toast with a scraping of butter, it’ll be lovely. Voice two: But that means I have to throw away the bacon fat in the pan. THROW IT AWAY! Voice one: You should have grilled the bacon instead of frying it in the first place. Voice two: I’ll have wholemeal toast next time (munching on fried bread). The good thing about fried bread, is that it comes with the promise of bacon too. I can’t think of a better topping than bacon and fried bread for this creamy, luxurious soup.

A cold Autumn night with a bowl of this broccoli soup = a warm and happy Nicky.

Broccoli Cheese Soup with Bacon Fried Bread Croutons Recipe:

Broccoli Cheese Soup with Bacon Fried Bread Croutons - 69Broccoli Cheese Soup with Bacon Fried Bread Croutons - 15Broccoli Cheese Soup with Bacon Fried Bread Croutons - 61Broccoli Cheese Soup with Bacon Fried Bread Croutons - 24Broccoli Cheese Soup with Bacon Fried Bread Croutons - 88Broccoli Cheese Soup with Bacon Fried Bread Croutons - 87