This Bruschetta recipe is a classic Italian one – no unnecessary extras, just the essentials. And it’s perfect as is. Make this as a light supper, a starter, or a DIY bruschetta spread for a crowd!

BRUSCHETTA – messy deliciousness

Bruschetta is one of those foods that’s impossible to eat elegantly. When you gorge on a crunchy piece of bread that’s piled high with tomato, dripping with juices and olive oil……well, in my world, the best I can hope for is that I don’t end up with a tomato-mud-slide down the front of my top. That there’s juices on my chin goes without saying. And I’m totally ok with that. All my favourite foods require napkins and plenty of finger licking. Buffalo Wings, Cheese & Garlic Crack Bread, Pastrami Sandwiches, Brisket Sliders. You get the picture!


Bruschetta is simple to make, but there’s a few fundamentals that you can’t skimp on if you want a seriously tasty one. Get these right and you can’t go wrong!

Juicy, ripe tomatoes at room temperature, not fridge cold Good quality extra virgin olive oil A good, crusty bread that can hold up to the juicy topping. Sourdough and ciabatta are my picks. Skip the basic sandwich bread – it will literally disintegrate from the juices. Thin baguettes work ok if you toast well (because they have a smaller surface area). Great starter option! CHEFFY TIP Rub the hot toast with garlic. This is a little trick that gives bruschetta an edge that makes it even better than just mixing garlic through the tomato mixture. It’s the reason why the bruschetta at your favourite bistro is so good – now you can replicate it yourself at home!


Deseed the tomato, then dice into small pieces. Toss with chopped basil, olive oil, salt and pepper – that’s all you need for a classic Italian version. More on variations below! Set it aside for 5 to 10 minutes to get it real juicy and for the flavours to come together – it’ll be fine for up to 30 minutes but after that, it gets a bit too mushy for my liking. Meanwhile, brush each side of the bread with olive oil and toast until golden. Pile on the tomato basil topping and devour!  


The recipe I’m sharing today is a classic Italian Tomato Bruschetta which, if made with good quality ingredients, is so lip smackingly delicious as is that you wouldn’t even think about adding anything else. However! If you so choose, or perhaps your tomatoes aren’t quite as ripe as you wish, here are some add in options:

2 tsp+ of red wine vinegar (or white wine vinegar or lemon juice) Minced garlic mixed in the filling Other herbs (thyme, oregano, chives come to mind) Chopped olives or other antipasto things (artichokes, capsicum/peppers etc)

You can also spread the bread with things like avocado, ricotta or anything similar (cream cheese, labne, soft feta) before piling on the bruschetta. It’s effective as a sort of glue for the topping so you can pile even more on! 😂. – Nagi x Remember. It’s impossible to eat Bruschetta elegantly. Don’t even try.  




He was by my bed the whole time when I was bed-ridden with Man Flu for the past few days… Never barked once when I slept through breakfast / treat / bone / dinnertime! He’s a good boy. 😇

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