For a lighter dressing option, try this mayo-free Caesar salad dressing – it’s incredible!

Caesar Salad

I’m going to call it – Caesar salad is a pain to make, calling for an inordinate amount of pots and pans to be dirtied in the name of just one salad.

Food processor for the dressing – and the mayo makes it all greasy which is a pain to clean (or hogs an enormous amount of dishwasher space) Baking tray for the croutons Skillet for the bacon Cutting board Giant bowl to toss the salad – you’ve really gotta toss with abundance when using creamy dressing, can’t do it in the serving bowl Serving bowl

All that for ONE salad. And yet, we do it. Because it’s worth it!! Especially the creamy dressing!

What goes in Caesar Salad

There’s all sorts of variations around, but the classic is made with:

cos lettuce (aka romaine) – or iceberg will do in a pinch! crispy bacon croutons – garlic croutons, at that! Caesar Salad Dressing parmesan cheese, for finishing

With the rich dressing, I find that even a “plain” Caesar salad is filling enough as it is to have as a meal. But a common addition, which you often find on the menu of bistros, is chicken and egg. Adds protein and makes it even more satisfying – so I’ve included these are optional in the recipe below!

Homemade Caesar salad dressing recipe

If you’ve never tried homemade Caesar Salad Dressing before, you’re in for a real treat. It is absolutely sensational, and not even the poshest gourmet store can compare to a fresh homemade one. The secret ingredient is anchovy. I know some people might scrunch up their faces at the thought of anchovy in a dressing, but seriously!  It is the secret ingredient that will turn a “pretty good” dressing into a restaurant quality one! Oh and PS. If you’ve had and loved Caesar Salad when eating out, you ate anchovies. So stop the nose scrunching!!😂

What goes in Caesar Salad

Here’s what you need:

How to make Caesar Salad

And here’s how to make it. (I already forewarned you – LOTS of washing up. TOTALLY worth it!)

Wondering if Caesar salad is healthy? Yes…and no!

Before we go any further – this might be a salad, but let me banish any misconception in your mind that Caesar salad is healthy. Fat in the dressing and the bacon. But you know what? Calorie content aside, at least I’m getting lots of greens into my system, right?? Or put it this way – a giant bowl of Caesar Salad might have the same calories as a creamy pasta, but it’s got a whole lot more nutrition in it!

LOW CAL version!!

Just in case you’re reading all this but dreading the calorie count you’ll see when you scroll down to the recipe – DON’T WORRY! Here’s a (much) lower calorie Yogurt Caesar Salad Dressing. All the flavour, but made with a yogurt base instead of mayonnaise so it won’t have that same rich mouthfeel. But still creamy, same depth of flavour – and a whole lot healthier!

Can you even tell that this is the low fat version?? NOPE!

And after all of that, all those pots and pans you’ve dirtied – you get to munch your way through one of the greatest salads ever invented. That fresh crisp lettuce. The crunchy garlic croutons. The salty pops of bacon. And that creamy homemade Caesar Salad Dressing. Caesar Salad might take time to make, but it is worth every single second. Really, truly, cross my heart. – Nagi x

Watch how to make it

Originally published May 2016. Brand new video added, process steps and new photos – as well as an update on Life of Dozer!

Life of Dozer

Dozer munching on his greens… 🥬🧸

And from the original time I published this recipe: No photobombing by Dozer today because a) he didn’t realise there was chicken and bacon in the salad; and b) he was having a good snooze after a rather active session at Bayview…. 😉

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