To make this recipe even easier, you can prep everything the night before, refrigerate, and pop it in the oven just in time for your event! Not sure what to serve it with? You certainly can’t go wrong with sourdough bread or a toasted baguette, but you can try any type of bread or cracker. If you want to cater to the healthier crowd, the crunch of fresh, crisp vegetables would pair nicely with the gooey cheesiness of the dip.

Can I use fresh spinach in Cheesy Spinach Artichoke Dip?

Definitely! To use fresh spinach, make sure you first remove any woody stems. In a skillet, add a couple teaspoons of olive oil and cook until wilted. Chop and then squeeze out any remaining moisture. For this recipe, 10 ounces fresh spinach should cook down to 3/4 cup drained, and is equal to 5 ounces of frozen spinach.

Why are there chunks of cream cheese in my finished dip?

Have you ever tried to dip a cracker into spinach artichoke dip, only to have said cracker break in two? Unmixed in cream cheese is to blame! When first mixing in the cream cheese, ensure that you mix thoroughly for the full 1-2 minutes to avoid these dead spots of dense cream cheese.

Can I make this in the slow cooker?

Yes! Add all ingredients to the slow cooker. Cook on high for 2 hours, or low for 3-4 hours. Make sure all ingredients are combined, and cheese is melted before serving. If you love cheesy spinach artichoke dip, you might also like these other dip recipes:

Queso FundidoBest Buffalo Chicken DipEasy Baked Pizza DipAuthentic Guacamole

Watch the video below where Rachel will walk you through every step of this recipe. Sometimes it helps to have a visual, and we’ve always got you covered with our cooking show. You can find the complete collection of recipes on YouTube, Facebook Watch, or our Facebook Page, or right here on our website with their corresponding recipes. Δ Δ

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