Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner

Do you sometimes just feel pretty blah about chicken? Or is it just us? We especially feel like chicken breast lacks excitement. You’ll notice most of our chicken recipes call for chicken thighs. We just think they have more flavor, but we often hear from you guys that you prefer chicken breast. So…this chicken in tomato sauce recipe is for YOU! Plus, it’s a one pan meal, and I’m pretty sure we can all get on board with that!

Creamy Saucy Goodness

Really, what makes this chicken recipe so dang good is the sauce. It’s tomatoey and creamy and full of fresh flavor. If you’ve been feeling like you’re bored with chicken or you need to spice things up, this is it! You’ve been called, so go make this chicken in tomato sauce.

Weeknight Dinner Or Meal Prepped Lunch

I know…I said winner, winner chicken DINNER. But really, it would be a great recipe to make on Sunday to meal prep lunches for your work week. Do you do that – meal prep lunches or snacks or anything over the weekend? Pre-blogging full-time, we did A LOT of meal prep over the weekend! Like A LOT! It really made a difference in our ability to continue to eat well during the week and feel our best. You should give it a try if you don’t already. Start small. Make a recipe like this for your lunches, and put it into containers in single servings. All you have to do is take it to work with you when you head out the door.

Some Other Chicken Recipes To Try

Your Turn To Try Our Chicken In Tomato Sauce

Whether you’re feeling blah about chicken or just want to try a new way to eat it, make this chicken in tomato sauce. Leave a comment below, and let us know how it goes. Also, take a pic to share on Instagram. Tag us @realsimplegood so we can see, and give us a follow if you don’t already! We’d love to stay connected! SHARE IT NOW OR PIN IT FOR LATER!

Chicken in Tomato Sauce  Paleo  Whole30   Keto  - 48Chicken in Tomato Sauce  Paleo  Whole30   Keto  - 40Chicken in Tomato Sauce  Paleo  Whole30   Keto  - 40Chicken in Tomato Sauce  Paleo  Whole30   Keto  - 19Chicken in Tomato Sauce  Paleo  Whole30   Keto  - 95Chicken in Tomato Sauce  Paleo  Whole30   Keto  - 40Chicken in Tomato Sauce  Paleo  Whole30   Keto  - 71Chicken in Tomato Sauce  Paleo  Whole30   Keto  - 78Chicken in Tomato Sauce  Paleo  Whole30   Keto  - 58Chicken in Tomato Sauce  Paleo  Whole30   Keto  - 59Chicken in Tomato Sauce  Paleo  Whole30   Keto  - 99Chicken in Tomato Sauce  Paleo  Whole30   Keto  - 71Chicken in Tomato Sauce  Paleo  Whole30   Keto  - 10Chicken in Tomato Sauce  Paleo  Whole30   Keto  - 18