I made these on Friday night ready for a food styling class Chris and I were attending on Saturday (more about that later) and I’ve been eating them for breakfast every day since. The last one was scoffed today, and I’m now going to have to make a new batch! I love the chocolate and orange flavour combo, but I wasn’t sure if it would be overkill to add them to the already delicious cinnamon-y taste of hot cross buns. Trust me. It works. Probably too well.

The kids like them warmed in the microwave for a few seconds - just enough to melt the chocolate chips. Lewis also likes to spread peanut butter on his. Completely revolting, I know, but I can’t part him from his morning peanut butter fix. I like mine lightly toasted with a bit of regular butter, or honey butter.

So let’s get back to the workshop! One of my birthday pressies was a day food styling with Woodrow studios. I spent the evening prior to the workshop creating recipes, then we loaded up the car and headed down to Nottingham on Saturday morning. The studio was beautifully light and airy, and we got to work on our photos with the help of Sophie (food stylist/photographer and maker of the most amazing photography background boards) and her partner Tom (chef and food stylist). We also had help from a photographer who came in for the day to show us some artificial lighting and flash photography techniques. It was so nice to be able to spend the day taking photos, trying new things, using different props, lighting and backgrounds. I felt very inspired, and I hope to go to more of their workshops in the future. I also came away with several new background boards! These hot cross bun pics were taken on the day. I almost shared out the buns after taking the photos, but then realised the kids wouldn’t forgive me if I didn’t take some home (that’s my excuse :-)). Fortunately the team provided a fab lunch anyway - homemade cauliflower and cumin soup, local cheeses, breads and crackers and a delicious home-baked cherry and almonds cake (which it turned out, was from my recipe! I’m very flattered!). I hope you enjoy these Chocolate Orange Hot Cross Buns, and even if you don’t make them, try the easy orange honey butter - it’s delicious!!

Chocolate Orange Hot Cross Buns With Orange Honey Butter Recipe:

Hot Cross Buns Giant Creme Egg Cheesecake Dip Cadbury Creme Egg with cinnamon toast soldiers  Roast Shoulder of Lamb and when Easter is over check out my 10 ways to use up leftover Easter eggs.  

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