Is this breakfast or dessert? Does it matter? Pancakes have the word cake in them so I’m just going to roll with it and call this breakfast. Who says you can’t eat cake for breakfast? These chocolate pancakes are a family favorite of ours. They are super simple to put together and everyone is always happy to eat them.  You can smother them with chocolate syrup (who am I to judge?) or lather them in a homemade buttermilk caramel syrup (see recipe below). Or, use both! They are seriously so amazing. The trick to making great pancakes is knowing when to flip them. What I look for is bubbles starting to form around the edges. The very edge will start to look dry and lose its shine. That is when I know it is time to flip. I like my pancakes on the thick side. If you want thinner pancakes, simple whisk in a little extra buttermilk. Start with 1/4 cup and work from there. These pancakes are amazing served up with this homemade buttermilk caramel syrup. Watch the video below where I walk you through every step of making both the chocolate pancakes AND the caramel syrup. Warning: you’ll be drooling by the end! The caramel syrup recipe is very much like making candy. The added liquids of the buttermilk, butter, and corn syrup help keep it in a liquid form. People always ask me why you add the baking soda to the caramel syrup. While I’m no chemist, the baking soda causes the syrup to foam and expand, releasing carbon dioxide. It seems to prevent the syrup from hardening or becoming chewy, which is great for a syrup or making caramel corn. Even when the syrup cools off, it is still a liquid. It doesn’t solidify like a caramel candy. Δ Δ

Chocolate Pancakes - 15Chocolate Pancakes - 70Chocolate Pancakes - 87Chocolate Pancakes - 45Chocolate Pancakes - 35Chocolate Pancakes - 1Chocolate Pancakes - 44Chocolate Pancakes - 18Chocolate Pancakes - 90