The leaves are delicate tasting, just slightly bitter, exquisite. Belgian endive is a chicory, like radicchio or curly endive, that commercially is grown completely indoors, away from light, in order to result in the delicate leaves we enjoy. Exposed to light, the leaves turn green and become much more bitter. They grow like a forced bulb on top of a large root the size of a fat carrot. Endives are grown in France, Belgium, and also in California. This recipe is a favorite of my French friend Guy (pronounced “Gee” with a hard “G”) who grew up in Provence, and whose mother made this salad for the family every Saturday. It’s a simple preparation—thickly sliced endive leaves tossed in an anchovy and garlic vinaigrette. The anchovies are key! They are what make this salad “Provencal” as anchovies can be found in so many preparations in Provence. Also anchovies are an umami bomb, and are the perfect complement to the slightly bitter endive leaves. Do you use endives in your cooking, or do you have a favorite endive salad? Please let us know about it in the comments. Let the dressing sit and the oil infuse while you prep the endives (about 5 minutes). Slice the endives crosswise into 1-inch wide pieces. Cut the core end, if thick, into halves or quarters. Serve immediately.