I sometimes get told off for making recipes on the blog that don’t follow the exact ingredients or approach for the traditional version. When it first happened (via a comment on the blog), I was shocked and rather downhearted. I hate the thought of offending anyone, and I honestly thought about changing the recipe. But, after a bit of moping, I realised that that it’s my recipe, and I really like it. It’s my take on a certain dish, that may have certain traditional origins, but that doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t modify it according to my own tastes, or because I need to swap out that difficult-to-source ingredient.

After all, if we searched for Special Fried Rice, i’d be pretty disappointed if the results all showed the same recipe. One of the things I love most about being in the kitchen is trying different things, adding a bit of a twist here and there and experimenting! Experiment guys! Use up those leftovers, add something unusual (I LOVE adding a tbsp of jarred beetroot juice to my corned beef hash soup - a tip from my dad), or serve it in a different way (how about stuffing potato skins with lasagne?). If it works, share it!

I love hearing how other people might make a recipe that appears on KS - either your own traditional recipe, or the modifications you might make to my recipe. Let’s make dinner an adventure!! Anyway, what I’m trying to say in a very long, drawn-out way, is that this isn’t your traditional Cock-a-Leekie soup. ???????? It’s got chicken, leeks, stock and a few prunes in there. Rice too (sometimes people add rice, others sometimes add barley, or neither). So it’s covering quite a lot of the Cock-a-Leekie bases. But I like to brown my chicken for more flavour. Then add in some cream, and then top with crispy bacon. ????????

Yep, it’s not 100% authentic, but it’s bloomin delicious!! And filling too. I made it for Chris and I for a late lunch, and we ended up not bothering with dinner. Next time I’ll just serve it for dinner! Hope you enjoy and if you make the recipe and add any of your own touches, I’d love to know!

The Creamy Cock-a-Leekie Soup with Bacon and Rice recipe:

Creamy Chicken and Vegetable Soup Chicken Noodle Soup With Turmeric Pulled Pork and Bean Soup Creamy Sausage Soup Spicy Parsnip and Sweet Potato Soup Broccoli Soup

Creamy Cock a Leekie Soup with Bacon and Rice - 61Creamy Cock a Leekie Soup with Bacon and Rice - 33Creamy Cock a Leekie Soup with Bacon and Rice - 75Creamy Cock a Leekie Soup with Bacon and Rice - 68Creamy Cock a Leekie Soup with Bacon and Rice - 53Creamy Cock a Leekie Soup with Bacon and Rice - 29Creamy Cock a Leekie Soup with Bacon and Rice - 93