Why Is It Called a Godfather?

While the creator of this drink is lost to cocktail history, bartenders and drink historians tend to agree that the Godfather was named after the popular movie and novel (based on its initial appearance on menus in the early 1970s).  At one point, there was a story floating around that the Godfather was actor Marlon Brando’s favorite drink, but that rumor was quietly put to rest. 

Ingredient Tips

There isn’t a hard rule about what kind of scotch works best in a Godfather, but I recommend a blended scotch. I prefer blended scotch when mixing it into a cocktail and reserve single malt for sipping by itself.  That said, don’t go for a bottom-shelf bottle. The Famous Grouse and Monkey Shoulder are both good options. They’re both blends, moderately priced, and bottles I’d also still be happy to sip solo. As for the amaretto—a sweet, nutty flavored liqueur made from the pits of stone fruits—Disaronno is one of the most well-known brands, is widely available, and works well here paired with the smoky scotch.  The last few decades have also seen smaller batch, artisanal brands pop up and they’re worth checking out if your local store carries them. Look for Gozio or Luxardo amaretto. 

The Perfect Balance

Balance is key to enjoying this cocktail. Scotch can vary between pleasantly smoky to very aggressive; watch that the amount of amaretto you add is suitable to stand up to the scotch while still blending harmoniously.  The amaretto should sweeten up the drink, but going too far will result in a sickeningly sugary cocktail. On the opposite side, not adding enough will result in the scotch overpowering the drink, rendering the addition of the amaretto pointless.  The proportions I give in this recipe should add just enough sweetness to complement the scotch, but you can taste and adjust to suit your taste buds.

Variations on the Godfather Cocktail

The Godfather cocktail is also part of a family of other “god-” cocktails, and adjusting the base liquor will result in variations. Here are a few:

Godmother Cocktail: Replace the scotch with vodka for a variation that focuses more on the amaretto componentGodchild (first version): Swap the scotch with brandy for this smooth, and lighter-bodied cocktailGodchild (second version): Vodka replaces the scotch (similar to the Godmother) with the addition of cream for a more dessert-themed cocktailBrooklyn Godfather: Bourbon replaces the scotch and adds additional flavor with both sweet and dry vermouthFrench Connection: Cognac becomes the base spirit here for a fruitier, spicier version that highlights some of the vanilla notes in the amaretto

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