Tender as it is, pork tenderloin on its own isn’t the most flavorful of pork cuts. But it lends itself to all sorts of spice rubs, in this case herbes de Provence, a mixture of herbs typical of the south of France. The mix I’m using includes thyme, rosemary, tarragon, and lavender. The floral notes of the herbs work great with both the peaches and the pork, and act as a flavor bridge between the two. In preparing for this recipe we experimented with a few different rubs, with the herbes de Provence winning out over the others. Do you have a favorite spice rub for pork tenderloin? If so, please let us know about it in the comments. This somewhat floral herb mixture works great with the peaches and the pork. If you don’t have herbes de Provence, you can use an Italian herb seasoning, or any favorite combination of dried herbs, salt, and pepper.