“When you Google “ham cheese french toast roll up”, there are zero search results. When I hit “publish”, there will be 1 result!” I didn’t expect to post this recipe. I’ve seen countless french toast roll ups on the internet so I thought there was little point in adding mine into the mix. But the other day, I realised that all those french toast roll ups I’d seen were sweet ones, usually filled with cream cheese and berries, then coated in sugar. Whereas mine are savoury. A quick google confirmed that french toast roll ups with ham and cheese inside them certainly aren’t a dime a dozen. In fact, when I Googled “ham cheese french toast roll up”, it return zero results. Lots of french toast roll ups (sweet), and ham and cheese french toast (sandwich style), but zero ham and cheese french toast roll ups.

“These french toast roll ups taste just like ham and cheese toasties!” I have to admit, I was a touch hesitant posting this recipe. Wondering whether the reason why no one else has published a recipe list this (that I can find!) is because this is just weird. Is it??? For me, it ticks all my boxes for a great breakfast:

  1. You can eat it with your fingers. Because we all know that everything tastes better when you can use your hands! 2. Fast to make and you can cook as many as you can fit in your pan in one go (unlike usual pan fried french toast which you have to cook in batches);
  2. Fabulous “morning after” recovery food. Butter, cheese, salt, bread. Hits my sweet spot every time; and 4. You can make it ahead. Which I don’t bother doing if I’m only making one batch because these are so fast to make, but is really convenient if I’m cooking for a crowd. Now I really should keep writing and give you the “story” behind these and share some witty anecdotes, but I’m hungry so please excuse me. I want to get stuck into my breakfast!

PS I will share one thing though. I’ve shared in previous posts my embarrassment about the abnormally small size and pudginess of my hands. “Baby Hands”, my friends call them. Well, sometimes I send photos to my family for feedback before selecting the ones to include in a post. When I sent a photo featuring my hands, I asked “Are my hands too pudgy in this shot? Are they ruining the photo of the food?” My brother’s response – “No. It gives you credibility. Never trust a skinny chef.” SO RUDE!!!   SaveSave

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