One time when George came to visit my family in Carmichael, I put him to work, showing me the way he makes his rye bread.

What Is Rye Bread?

Rye bread is simply bread that is made with rye flour. Rye has an earthy flavor, and using more or less of it in combination with other flours a loaf will give it more or less of that flavor. Rye bread is often made with additions like molasses and cocoa powder, which add color and flavor. Caraway seeds can be added as well, for an even more distinctive flavor. While you can make a loaf that is made 100% rye, those tend to be quite dense and heavy. For a lighter loaf that still has good rye flavor, mix rye flour with bread flour, which helps form a better gluten structure within the dough. As for this particular bread from George? It was wonderful. Lightly flavored, soft inside, with a crusty crust. My father doesn’t like caraway seeds so they were kept out. I love them so the next time I make this bread they’re going in.

Best Way to Learn to Bake Bread? Hands on!

I don’t think one can easily learn to make bread by reading about it. It really helps to get your hands in it and learn directly from someone who can say, “See? This is the right consistency for the dough.” Bread making is something that you just have to practice. The more bread you make, the better you get at it.

Ways to Enjoy Rye Bread

Rye is, of course, essential for a good reuben sandwich or a classic liverwurst sandwich with pickled onions. It makes the perfect bread for a grilled cheese sandwich. Have leftover rye bread that’s going stale? Make them into bread crumbs and freeze them to use later. You can sprinkle them over salads, casseroles, or this Hot Reuben Dip.

Storing and Freezing Rye Bread

Rye bread will keep for several days at room temperature if kept in a paper bag. To extend its life another few days, wrap it in a plastic bag instead. Rye bread also freezes very well. Wrap it in plastic wrap and aluminum foil, then store in a freezer bag for up to three months. Thaw at room temperature and reheat in the oven if desired.

Love Baking Bread? Try These Recipes

Whole Wheat Bread Homemade Potato Bread Anadama Bread Focaccia Bread with Rosemary Irish Brown Bread

Add more bread flour, a cup at a time, until the dough is not so sticky and it is too hard to mix it with the wooden spoon. At that point, spread a half cupful of flour onto a large, clean, flat surface and put the dough onto the surface. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap or a damp cloth. Let rise at room temperature until it has doubled in size, 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Put loaves in the oven. If you have a mister, mist the dough with a little water the first 10 minutes of baking. Bake for 40-50 minutes, or until done. The bread should sound hollow when tapped.