So, what’s the best way to cut a watermelon into slices or cubes? You’ll want to keep the fruit stable and minimize the number of cuts. Here’s what to know!

How to Pick a Ripe Watermelon

Before you cut any watermelon, make sure you have a ripe, sweet fruit so it’s worth your effort. There are several things to evaluate when you are selecting a melon that will indicate it is a good pick. First, make sure the melon is uniform in its shape, whether it is round or oval. Blemishes and webbing on the skin are common given how the fruit grows in the field but be sure there are not any deep cuts or damages to the skin. Next, pick up the melon. Ripe melons are heavy for their size because they have more water content. Now you want to evaluate the field spot, also called the ground spot. Watermelon vines grow close to the ground, so one side of the melon will be in contact with the ground as the melon grows and ripens, similar to a pumpkin. This spot will not be dark green like the rest of the melon; instead it turns from white to a buttery yellow. If the field spot is more of a yellow than white color, you have a ripe melon.

Prepping the Watermelon

Always rinse and dry the skin before starting to cut. If the watermelon is too large to fit in the sink, wipe it with a damp towel to remove any dirt. Use a large, sharp knife that will allow you to get through most of the melon with one cut. Make sure you are on a sturdy surface and that the cutting board won’t slide as you work. Watermelons are tricky to handle on their own; we don’t need your tools working against you, too!

A Few Favorite Watermelon Recipes

Watermelon Salad with Cotija, Jicama and Lime Watermelon Gazpacho Watermelon Pitcher Margaritas Watermelon Salad with Feta and Mint Strawberry Watermelon Agua Fresca