Freezing bread is so easy! Do it and you’ll be rewarded with a slice that tastes very close to the way it did the same day you pulled it out of the oven.

How Long Will Bread Last in the Freezer?

When the bread is wrapped well, it will last in the freezer for up to 6 months. If you plan to use it more quickly, maybe within a few weeks, you can sometimes get away with storing the loaf in a freezer-safe bag. I think it’s better to preserve the quality in case your plans to eat it change so I go ahead and wrap it well for long term storage even if I might be eating it soon.

Should I Slice Bread Before I Freeze It?

If you don’t plan to serve the entire loaf at one time, go ahead and slice the bread before you freeze it. This way you can grab a slice or two and thaw only those for a quick breakfast of avocado toast, and it will keep you from having to use up a whole thawed loaf at once. If you plan to serve a full loaf with dinner, it’s fine to leave the bread whole before wrapping to freeze it.

How Do I Thaw Frozen Bread?

Thaw a whole loaf of bread by placing them in the refrigerator the day before you will be ready to eat it, then warm the loaf in the oven, slice, and serve. If you plan to eat the loaf slice by slice, put it directly into the toaster from the freezer. Otherwise, thaw it in the same way you would a full loaf.

 How to Freeze Bread