The best orange has a firm peel without any soft spots and it feels heavy for its size. Store oranges at room temperature if you plan to use them within several days. Otherwise, they’ll keep longer in the produce drawer of your fridge. Here are a few varieties that may cross your path:

Navel: The most common of the bunch, Navel oranges have a thick peel and a bright globe of fruit beneath it. They’re impossibly sweet and juicy when you get a good one. Valencia: These aren’t the prettiest of the pack, but they have a sweet tangy flavor that’s brilliant for juicing. Cara Cara: On the outside they appear much like a Navel orange, but inside the flesh has a pinkish hue along with fabulous bright flavor. Use it any way you might use a Navel orange. Blood: With a tart flavor and color that ranges from red-tinted to beet-red, blood oranges add a splash of color to savory salads and bright fruity cocktails.Seville: These hail from their namesake Spanish city where you can find them adorning citrus trees along the streets. They are bitter and preferred for marmalade and drinks. 

Oranges work well in a variety of sweet and savory dishes. Take advantage of the season’s peak by adding them to your culinary repertoire. Below we gathered our favorite orange recipes from salads and quick weeknight dishes to sweet treats both baked and for drinking.