If you like spice, then this is your dish. You can use any dried red chilies and the Szechwan peppercorns are optional, though the dish isn’t the same without them and there isn’t a good substitute. Other key ingredients in this dish are sesame oil, garlic, ginger, and unsalted peanuts. Like any stir-fry, this is quick, cheap, and flavorful. It’s also an exemplary example of Szechwan cuisine due to its combination of sweet, sour, salty, and hot tastes. Serve it with rice and a hearty dark beer for a weeknight meal!

The Chilies for Kung Pao Chicken

The chili peppers most commonly used for Chinese cooking are Tien Tsin chilies, named for their province of origin. They’re quite hot and possess an earthy pungency. If you can’t find this exact variety, you can substitute any dried red chiles. Szechwan (or Sichuan) peppercorns were actually banned by the FDA until 2005 due to their potential to carry citrus canker. Now they’re permitted for import but only after they’ve been heat-treated. Rather than being hot or pungent, Szechwan peppercorns are somewhat citrusy and create a slight numbing, tingling sensation as opposed to the burning, hot sensations of peppers and chilies (think the tingle on your tongue from a carbonated drink). You can find both spices in Asian markets or you can order them easily online (Penzeys is a great source for both the Tien Tsin peppers and the Szechwan peppercorns). You can also find the Shaoxing rice wine and Chinkiang vinegar at Asian markets or order them online, though sherry and apple cider vinegar make good substitutes.

The Best Chicken for This Stir-Fry

Boneless skinless chicken breasts work just fine for this recipe, though you could swap in boneless skinless thighs if you prefer. The exact weight of your chicken breasts doesn’t matter too much; just get two good-sized breasts and you’ll be fine.

More Chinese Take-Out Favorites to Make at Home!

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