I want this week’s meals to stand out from the rest, but they should be easy enough to pull off without breaking a sweat. I’m leaning on quick-cooking proteins like fish, fragrant spices like saffron, and Italian dishes that don’t have to simmer all day—I’m serving it with a fresh baguette and a glass of wine.  In between the daily hustle and bustle of life, let’s carve out space this week to gather at the dinner table with our loved ones and build on all the memories of meals shared over the last year (or twenty)!

New to Meal Planning? Start here! Need More Meal Planning Ideas? We Have You Covered!

While still reasonably priced, flank steak is a quick-cooking upgrade from the ground beef our family usually eats in tacos. Marinate the flank steak the night before so it’s ready for a quick sear in the cast iron skillet whenever you’re ready to eat. Warm up the tortillas and add your favorite toppings. We love sour cream, salsa, and cilantro. Serve them with tortilla chips and salsa.