I think it was the only dish in which whining was even remotely tolerated. “Liver and onions, OH NOOOOO!” was the hue and cry from the assembled kids. Mom and dad never really forced us to eat anything. But, if you didn’t like what was on the table, there was no alternative. And complaining really wasn’t an option; one look from dad was enough to keep any of us quiet. My parents worked hard enough to put food on the table, and we knew it. It was for these quiet moments of culinary desperation that God invented ketchup. Ketchup was the only thing that could save us from the overwhelming taste of liver. And we poured it on. The onions helped too. Recently mom and dad admitted to me that they don’t like liver that much; they made it as often as they did because (back then, before hormone-fed beef) it was good for us kids. I have been begging them for two years to make it again and they finally did tonight. “I’m sure this will be a popular one for the website,” laughed my dad. And you know what? It was good. Really good. Much better than I remember it being as a kid, and without all that ketchup.

Tips To Make the Best Fried Liver

Two important points to remember when making liver. First, use the most organic, free-range, antibiotic, hormone-free calf liver you can. As full of vitamins and nutrients that liver is, it also collects the bad stuff. So, get beef that is as free of chemicals as possible. Second, use calf liver, veal liver, or baby beef liver, not regular beef liver, which is just too strong in flavor. Note that calves liver may be hard to find. You may have to special order it from your butcher.

How To Remove the Metallic Taste of Liver

Worried about your liver having a strong taste? Soak in milk or buttermilk! Place the liver slices in a shallow pan and pour in enough milk to cover. Refrigerate at least and hour or two. Drain and pat dry before dredging in the flour. Alternately, you can soak soak your liver slices in lemon or lime juice, or even vinegar. The acid counterbalances the flavor of the liver. Even if you don’t have any milk or citrus juice, just soaking in water overnight will help mellow that strong liver flavor.

Great Side Dishes for Liver and Onions

Make Ahead Mashed Potatoes Green Beans with Shallots and Pancetta Broccoli Rabe with White Beans Rice Pilaf with Mushroom and Pine Nuts Dinosaur Kale with Baby Potatoes

Serve hot with sautéed onions (and ketchup on the side!).