Since I’m trying to keep the number of times I have to venture outside to a minimum, that means making sure my pantry is stocked and my recipes are versatile enough to handle a change of plans. I’m also doubling up several dishes so we have plenty of leftovers. Alas, I’m saying “See you later” to my grill until warmer months, but it also means having more time with my toasty oven!

Meal Plan for November Week 5

1 Roasted Winter Squash with Cilantro Chimichurri: We are meatless most Mondays, and with this Roasted Winter Squash with Cilantro Chimichurri, “meatless” never tasted better. This squash is surprisingly filling, and I often just serve it on its own. If you think you need a side dish, I’d suggest Spanish Rice. I’ll also double up this chimichurri sauce so I have extra for my weekend steaks. This way, I not only get one amazing meal from it the sauce, the hubby gets his red meat fix later on in the week. 2 Fish Stew with Ginger and Tomatoes: On Tuesday, I’m doing something a bit different than my usual baked or fried fish and making this light, fragrant Fish Stew with Ginger and Tomatoes and serving it with a nice crusty baguette on the side. I’ll pack up the leftovers for my husband to take into work for the next day’s lunch. Since his Army base is a 20-minute drive (one way), coming home for lunch is a rarity for him. We like to save money by sending him to work with wholesome leftovers from the previous night’s dinner. 3 Pasta with Cauliflower, Tomato, and Parmesan: My entire family loves pasta! I’m thankful for that because it’s such a budget friendly ingredient. For Wednesday’s dinner, I’m making this Pasta with Cauliflower, Tomato, and Parmesan. I’ll serve it with with a garden salad and our favorite Garlic Knots. I’m planning to double this pasta recipe because a fellow Army wife in our unit just had surgery and it’s the perfect “Get Well Soon” meal to take to her. Having been in recovery mode from surgery more times than I care to admit, I appreciate it when someone takes the time to bring a meal for my family while I’m recovering. Pasta dishes like these are such a breeze to prepare and lend themselves well to “make-and-take”. No matter if it’s for a get well soon meal, a potluck or family night, pasta dinners are life-savers. 4 Pork Schnitzel: We were recently reminiscing about our time living abroad in Germany, so I thought Thursday would be a great night to take a trip down memory lane – I’m serving Schnitzel! We lived in Germany for six years and enjoyed schnitzel in every imaginable way. Of course, schnitzel wouldn’t be complete without a side of German Potato Salad and white asparagus (or spargel). 5 Creamy Tomato and White Bean Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches: Friday is family fun night and the family and I have decided to make it “Classic Diner Food Night”. We’re going to enjoy Grilled Cheese Sandwiches with Bacon and Pear and bowls of Creamy Tomato and White Bean Soup (I’ll double the recipe and make enough for Saturday’s lunch). For dessert we’re going to churn our own Cinnamon Ice Cream and save a quart (or two) for Christmas! What’s your take on leftovers? Are you a fan, or no?