Related to kale, cabbage, and collard greens, they are the peppery leafy greens of the mustard plant and are used frequently in Chinese, Japanese, and Indian cooking.

What Do Mustard Greens Taste Like?

I find them less bitter than kale or collard greens, and more peppery, like arugula. Just one taste of a raw leaf and you’ll know it came from a mustard plant. Cooked, they taste a lot like spinach but with more body. My father recently discovered mustard greens at our local farmers market, and they’re his new love.

What to Do With Mustard Greens

I like them with a dash of dark sesame oil, but you could easily just cook them up with a little garlic and olive oil. Do you have a favorite way to prepare mustard greens? Please let us know about it in the comments. All parts of the mustard plant — leaves, seeds, flowers, stems — are edible, no matter the type. The seeds are what we turn into the tangy condiment, and what gets pressed into oil. (The mustard that’s commercially grown to be made into the tangy condiment is Sinapis alba, not what we’re talking about today, but fun to know.) Brassica juncea are major commercial spice or oilseed crops; on the non-industrial scale, small farmers and home gardeners grow all kinds of these mustards just to enjoy as greens. 

When Are Mustard Greens in Season?

Mustard greens are in season in the cooler growing months — spring into early summer and then again with a second planting in the fall. They don’t take too well to summer’s intense heat. They’re easy to grow, and leaves regrow after they’ve been harvested. As they mature, mustard greens become more bitter. To avoid bitterness, choose mustard greens that are harvested young. And they often survive the first frost and have more mellow flavors when harvested after the frost.

Buying Mustard Greens 

Buy mustard greens at the farmers market, Asian markets, or traditional grocery stores. Look for leaves that are fresh, crisp, and vibrantly green, not wilted or yellow. For mellower flavors, choose smaller leaves. For stronger flavors, choose larger leaves.

Storing Mustard Greens

Store mustard greens in the crisper drawer, either in a bag or a lidded container lined with a paper towel. Keep them dry (no water droplets hanging out on them), and small loose leaves will keep up to 5 days, bunches of large mustards could last up to 1 week.

How to Clean Mustard Greens

Clean mustard green leaves right before cooking. Place them in a bowl full of cold water and swirl them around to remove any dirt on the leaves. Then, allow them to float in the water for a few minutes. Any dirt should sink to the bottom of the bowl. Remove and pat dry before preparing the greens.

More Delicious Ways to Eat Your Greens!

Collard Greens Sauteed Greens With Pine Nuts and Raisins Easy Pasta With Winter Greens Watercress Salad With Warm Bacon Dressing Creamed Spinach

Add the minced garlic and cook a minute more, until fragrant.