So what are the buns made of?

If you haven’t ever cooked with plantains, don’t be scared! They make the perfect buns for these Paleo burgers because they become firm and crisp up when they are smashed and fried. They end up being sturdy enough to hold a big burger with toppings without falling apart.

How to pick the perfect plantains for your paleo burgers

We’ve made these plantain buns with plantains of different ripeness. Green plantains are starchy and kind of hard, more like a potato. Ripe plantains, the yellow and black ones, are softer and sweeter. This recipe will work with either, but it’s best to use plantains that aren’t too ripe or too green. Look for the ones that are just turning yellow without many black spots. These will form the perfect, starchy buns for your burgers.

A burger and fries anyone?

The best thing about these burgers is that you don’t even need a side of fries with them. The plantain buns are starchy and crispy, kind of like french fries. So, when you eat this Paleo burger it’s kind of like eating a burger and fries all at once! You’ll be amazed by how filling these healthy burgers are.

More recipes featuring plantains


Your turn to try these Whole30 + Paleo burgers

Be sure to try this recipe soon so you can pick up a big juicy burger with your hands and dig in! If you are missing burgers at all, this recipe is sure to satisfy your craving. Leave a comment below to let us know how it goes if you try the recipe. Also, take a pic to share on social media. Tag us on Instagram @realsimplegood, we love to see what you’re cooking! SHARE IT NOW OR PIN IT FOR LATER!

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