These homemade herby cubed potatoes are so easy to make, and they make a perfect side to many dishes. I served this with lamb roast and vegetables.

Parmentier potatoes recipe

This is my take on this French potato delicacy, I love my roast potatoes but I am sure you can agree it takes time to cook to perfection. When time is of the essence, I opt for cubed potatoes instead as they cook half the time a traditional roasted spud would. In case you are wondering why give this fancy name to herby diced potatoes, well, the potato dish is of French origin. Parmentier potatoes was named after a man called Antoine-Augustin Parmentier for promoting potatoes as a good source of food for human across France and Europe. This is amongst many other great things he was known for at his time. There are other versions to this recipe too. I don’t only make cubed potatoes as a side dish, I make them for as the star dish for breakfast as well. Another alternative to serving bread with our full English breakfast, It makes the breakfast special. When I serve it with roast or any other dish, I like the illusion it creates as you think you have plenty spud on your plate and that would make you eat less. Cubed or diced potatoes are so easy and simple to make, the potatoes are cut to bite sizes, parboiled and tossed in some olive oil and garlic, rosemary or other herbs of choice and oven roasted until crispy and golden on the outside and fluffy on the inside. It is vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free. Let me show you how to make it with this easy step-by-step guide. Related post: the best homemade roast potato seasoning.


Potatoes: I use red potatoes, but you can use any other types of potatoes that are good for baking. E.g. Maris piper, kind Edward, Yukon gold, russet potatoes and the likes Dried parsley Oregano Rosemary Garlic granules: I used this over fresh garlic as the fresh ones tend to burn which makes it, not always pleasant to eat at all Salt: you need this for boiling the potatoes   Red pepper flakes: not a must but recommended if want that little bit of kick for the dish. Olive oil: any other flavourless or mild cooking oil would work for this recipe. Substitute with melted butter Tools Baking tray Parchment baking paper Baking spray

How to make Parmentier potatoes (cubed potatoes)

Preheat the oven at 190C/385F and prepare a baking tray by lining it with a baking paper, parchment paper or baking spray. Peel the potatoes (or leave the skin on but make sure it is well-scrubbed and clean) and cut into cube sizes about 1-inch thickness, transfer into a bowl and rinse under cold water. Add the rinsed cubed potatoes in a pan, cover with cold water, add salt to taste and bring to boil for 5 minutes. Take it off the heat and drain in a colander until moist free. Transfer into a bowl Add rosemary, parsley, oregano, red pepper flakes, garlic granules and olive oil to the potatoes and toss to combine and potatoes well coated. Spread the potatoes on a single layer on the prepared baking tray and place in the oven. Roast in the oven for 20 minutes or until crispy and golden flipping occasionally so it cooks evenly. Take it out of the oven and serve with main dishes of choice and enjoy.

What to serve with crispy cubed potatoes

This potato dish is a great accompaniment to many other dishes. It is perfect with fish, try it with honey garlic salmon or this easy instant pot cod, simple whole roasted chicken, instant pot turkey, oven-baked chicken legs (the kids would love this with some ketchup)

How to store

Parmentier potatoes can be stored in the fridge in an airtight container for up to 3 days. Reheat them in the oven so it’s crispy again and nice to eat.

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