“What are your favorite foods?” will always get a response, and from there, I can usually figure out if the person likes to cook as well. Then the next question is, “what’s your favorite recipe?” Take my friend Bruce. Bruce loves to cook, has for as long as I’ve known him, over 20 years. He even contributed this winner to the site last year—the green salsa chicken bake. When he was visiting the other day, our chatter naturally turned to recipes. This is the one he shared with me that he makes with regularity: a bowl of pasta, simply tossed with Italian sausage, fresh chopped tomato, and basil. Sometimes he swaps out the sausage for shrimp. He’ll use any long pasta, though prefers fettuccini. So good! And it comes together so quickly. Perfect for a midweek meal. Prep the ingredients while the pasta water is heating. When the sausage starts to brown, add the garlic and cook for another minute. Mix in the roasted red peppers, capers and olives. If the pasta water isn’t boiling yet, remove the sauté pan from the heat. Linguine with Peppers and Roasted Cherry Tomatoes - from Andrea Meyers Whole Wheat Pasta with Peppers and Sausage - from Kalyn’s Kitchen Pasta with Roasted Tomatoes, Artichokes and Shrimp - from The Perfect Pantry