I’ve got to admit, I was cringing as I was making these Pick and Mix Candy Popsicles ice lollies. Haribo tangfastics, rainbow belts and gummie bears – all mixed together with fizzy lemonade. It’s the stuff of parent’s nightmares. I know what my kids are like when they’re eaten too many sweets, so I try to keep a limit on them, but my daughter was having a birthday sleepover, and she wanted something a little outrageous to surprise her friends.

The other alternatives were:

A bucket of strawberry laces Squirty cream desserts – made directly in mouths – with sprinkles and sauce

I think I chose the best of the sugar-laden bunch. These lollies are super simple to make, and the kids will adore you for making them. It’s probably a once-a-year thing though. I find it best to use smaller/thinner sweets. The really chunky ones (like fizzy cherries) harden up quite a lot in the freezer, and you’ll find the lemonade melts way before they start to soften up.

It’s also worth using a combination of sugar-coated sweets and non-sugar coated sweets. Two reasons:

Sugar lowers the freezing point. More sugar means the popsicles take longer to freeze, and will defrost quicker once out of the freezer. The fizzy sugar dissolves in the lemonade – so too many sugar coated sweets will make the popsicles really really sweet.

Are you brave enough to try them? Or are you cursing me for creating such a horrific popsicle? 🙂

The pick and mix candy popsicles Recipe:

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