A cute little pastry treat to feed your loved one on Valentines day! I’ve got to say (and I’ve probably mentioned it before on the blog), that Chris and I don’t really do anything for Valentines day. Is that bad? Married nearly 10 years and sounds like we’ve lost the romance, but it’s not true!! We also don’t buy each other Easter gifts or anniversary gifts, and I think we’re on the verge of not bothering with Christmas cards for each other too (we just about managed to get each other a card on Christmas eve this last Christmas).

We much prefer to arrange date-night on a night that works for us, and buy gifts just because we see something we think the other would like. We like to go away for a night or two for our anniversary each year. And Easter? Well there’s always so much chocolate in our house with the kids (and with my mum spoiling us rotten!) that we don’t really need any more. It’s probably a good thing that we both feel exactly the same way, otherwise there might be a few arguments! We do spoil each other at Christmas and on our birthdays (although both of us know never to throw the other a surprise party – at least I hope so……it’s my birthday next month….).

So I won’t be looking for a babysitter and whisking Chris out for a valentines meal next week, but I may make some more of these palmier hearts. Only because they’re so yummy though – I’ve eaten three already today. I saved Chris three of these Rose and Chocolate Valentines Palmiers too. Who says romance is dead 😀

The Rose and Chocolate Valentines Palmiers Recipe:


Rose and Chocolate Valentines Palmiers - 65Rose and Chocolate Valentines Palmiers - 61Rose and Chocolate Valentines Palmiers - 93Rose and Chocolate Valentines Palmiers - 51Rose and Chocolate Valentines Palmiers - 30Rose and Chocolate Valentines Palmiers - 35