So good! Like seriously good. My sweetheart took one tentative bite and then devoured the rest. I’ve made it 3 times already this week.

Morel Mushrooms

Have you ever cooked with or foraged for morel mushrooms? Morels are exquisite spring mushrooms with an unusual and distinctive honeycomb appearance. In the mushroom foraging world, morels are considered a good “beginner” mushroom because they are so easy to identify. Morels pop up in old orchards and sometimes in freshly laid garden mulch (I often find morels in our former-orchard yard). But usually the ones available in the stores here are foraged by professional mushroom hunters who find them in the mountains and foothills in the spring, after an autumn fire. Because of all those nooks and crannies, morels can tend to hold onto some grit. So to cook with them, you’ll want to soak them in water first, and drain and re-soak them several times. Then you just slice them and cook them like any mushroom; they’re delicious! If fresh morels aren’t available, you can also use dry morels, you’ll just need to soak them in water for several hours to rehydrate.

Green Garlic

Regarding the green garlic, I’ve seen versions with shallots, but since green garlic is available in the market, I went with that for this recipe. You could use shallots, spring onions, green onions, or leeks if green garlic isn’t available where you are. But if you are finding fresh morels at your market, you can likely find green garlic too! Green garlic tastes like garlic scented green onions, very mild, not at all as strong or overpowering as mature garlic. We like this dish just served on its own for a simple lunch, but it would make a great side dish for chicken or beef. Enjoy! Green garlic or spring garlic is immature garlic that is available in the spring. There is no papery cover. You use and slice the green garlic the same way you would a green onion. Add the asparagus in an even layer. Cook until barely cooked (still firm, but can easily poke with a fork), about 3 minutes. (See How to Boil Asparagus.) Remove to a bowl of ice water to stop the cooking. Sprinkle with 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon Herbes de Provence. Cook on medium high heat until the mushrooms start releasing their water, about 3 to 5 minutes. Add the asparagus to the mushroom green garlic mixture. Sprinkle with black pepper, toss to combine. Add more salt and pepper to taste. Serve immediately.