Here we’ve used caraway in a tangle of sautéed onions and chard. This simple side dish couldn’t be easier! You just sauté sliced onions on high heat until browned, toss with chopped chard until wilted, and season with honey, vinegar, a peck of celery seed, and caraway. So good. Feel free to use spinach or kale instead of chard. Spinach will cook very quickly. Kale may take longer to wilt. Do you like caraway seeds? If so, what are your favorite recipes in which you use caraway? Please let us know in the comments. Once the chard wilts, 2 to 4 minutes, add the honey, caraway seeds, celery seeds, and black pepper. Toss well to combine and cook for another 2 to 3 minutes, stirring often. Turn off the heat and add the vinegar right before serving.