While Shepherd’s Pie is traditionally made with lamb, beef is just as tasty in this recipe. This is a timeless classic – make this once and you’ll make it over and over again!

Shepherd’s Pie

When I shared my Cottage Pie on Facebook, there was almost an all out cyber-war about whether it was in fact Cottage Pie or Shepherd’s Pie. 😂 So let me just answer the burning question first, to get that out of the way:

What’s the difference between Shepherd’s Pie and Cottage Pie??

Cottage Pie is made with beef and Shepherd’s Pie is made with lamb. Shepherds herd sheep. Not cows. That’s how I remember it!! Other than beef vs lamb, they are essentially exactly the same recipe. So a Shepherd’s Pie made with beef is Cottage Pie, and Cottage Pie made with lamb is Shepherd’s Pie!

What is Shepard’s Pie

If you’re new to Shepherd’s Pie (also spelled Shepard’s Pie), let me be the first to welcome you to your new favourite comfort food. Essentially, it’s lamb and veggies smothered in a gravy – and who doesn’t love an excuse for tons and tons of gravy? All those times you were limited to just a small drizzle on a few slices of roast lamb because there wasn’t enough to go around… Bah! This is how you get your gravy fix!!

How to make Shepherd’s Pie

A really good Shepherd’s Pie should always start with a soffrito – that is, onion, garlic, carrots and celery sautéed on a lowish heat until sweet. It’s the secret to a great flavour base that’s a technique used widely by many cuisines, such as Italian cooking (for example, this Italian Shredded Beef Ragu). After this, we cook the ground / mince meat – traditionally lamb but equally delicious made with beef – before adding flour (which thickens the sauce) and gravy flavourings (beef broth, tomato paste, beef bouillon cube, Worcestershire sauce and red wine which is optional). Simmer until the sauce is thickened, spread in a baking dish then top with creamy mashed potato (the creamier = easier to spread). To make the top beautifully golden and extra crispy, I like to drizzle with a bit of butter and parmesan. You’ll see how amazing it looks when it comes out of the oven in the recipe video!

What to serve with Shepherd’s Pie

When it comes to choosing sides for your Shepherd’s pie, try Glazed Roasted Carrots or perhaps Sautéed Garlic Spinach. The only other thing you need is a glass of red and a crackling fire…

Tips for making Shepherd’s Pie

There are a few stages to making Shepherd’s Pie, but it’s a straightforward recipe. There’s just two little things that you don’t see in most recipes, little things that bugged me: I stress again – these are little things that bug me, so feel free to by-pass them! – Nagi x PS One last time – Cottage Pie is made with beef. Shepherd’s Pie is made with lamb! 😂 (Shepherd’s herd SHEEP!)

Watch how to make it

Sometimes it helps to have a visual, so watch me make this Shepherd’s Pie recipe!

Originally published June 2018. modified January 2019, and updated March 2020. No change to recipe!

More cosy pies!

Life of Dozer

Flashback to when Dozer destroyed his ACL (rear knee) back when I first shared this recipe in June 2018. He underwent surgery and was 2 weeks into a 4 month recovery period, and under strict instructions to remain confined to a small space. It was very challenging for this highly active dog. But his patience was rewarded, he is back to his wild antics at the beach!

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