Just pop them into your slow cooker for a few hours, and you’ll have a tasty meal waiting for you.

The Best Bell Peppers for Stuffed Peppers

There are a few things to note when making this dish. First, when you’re shopping, look for bell peppers that are shaped like big cups and can stand upright on their own. Avoid peppers that are long and thin since they won’t hold much filling. To make sure the peppers can stand on their own, just prop them on any flat surface. When I’m shopping, I sometimes pull out my cell phone and see if the pepper can stand on the phone without wobbling. If a pepper doesn’t tip over, then you’ve got a good one!

How Long To Cook Stuffed Peppers

Also, make sure you note the cooking time on these peppers. These are ready in 4 to 5 hours, as soon as the meat is cooked through, and are best served soon after they are ready. This makes these stuffed peppers perfect for a day when you’ll be home for lunch and can start them cooking for dinner. The filling can also be prepared the night before and kept refrigerated. You could even stuff the peppers ahead of time so that all you have to do the next day is put them in the slow cooker. I know it’s tempting, but don’t try to push the cooking time much longer or leave these in the slow cooker all day while you’re at work. The peppers become very mushy and the meat overcooks when left in the slow cooker for too long – as I discovered to my dismay the first time I tried this recipe! Finally, you’ll notice that as the peppers cook, some liquid collects inside the peppers. Right before serving, I like to gently tip the peppers over to drain out the liquid. Serve the peppers on their own or with your favorite sauce! Be sure to buy bell peppers that are shaped like big cups and can stand upright on their own. You can also cook these peppers in the oven: Put them in a baking dish, cover with foil, and bake at 400°F for 50 to 60 minutes. Slice one pepper open to make sure the beef has cooked through. (The stuffed peppers can also be covered and refrigerated for up to 24 hours before cooking.) The peppers are done when the meat is cooked through. About 10 minutes before the peppers are done, sprinkle the remaining cheese on top of the peppers and close the lid.