When I had it for the first time I nearly fell off my chair. Where had this sauce been my whole life? It’s a Spanish sauce, and sort of like pesto, but made with tomatoes, roasted red bell peppers, garlic, and nuts. You can serve it over practically anything, from shrimp to chicken to vegetables. I’ve been making it just to eat plain, like a dip with crackers. Or I put a dollop over baby potatoes. Or I just sneak a spoonful out of the refrigerator for a snack. Trust me. This one is good. Like so many regional dishes, romesco has a gazillion varieties. Our version incorporates smoked paprika, to give a slight smokiness to the flavor of the sauce. Smoked paprika, also known as pimenton, is becoming more and more available in supermarkets, but if you can’t find any, just use regular paprika. Add the garlic and sauté another 1-2 minutes, stirring once or twice. Allow to cool and scrape into a container to store. To use romesco sauce, mix with pasta, shrimp, chicken or vegetables either before or after they are cooked, much like you would a pesto. Kept in a sealed container, romesco sauce will last for a week or more in the fridge. It freezes well, too.