Oh and we’re not stopping there. This ravioli is then tossed in warm salsa and served with soured cream. And whoa! it’s so good!! I don’t often make homemade pasta, but it’s actually pretty fool-proof (always a good thing in my case).  I usually find it therapeutic - kneading the dough and rolling it through the pasta machine. I made it with the kids this time though, so slightly less therapeutic and quite a lot messier.  If you have the patience and you’re prepared to get covered in flour, then it’s definitely a fun activity to do with the kids. They got to choose what went in and what stayed out of their ravioli - so we had no issues getting them to eat every bite at the dinner table later. You’ll start making your dough by piling up some pasta flour on your work surface, making a well in the flour and adding eggs and a little olive oil:

Slowly work the flour into the eggs (being careful not to break the flour dam straight away and ending up with a flood of eggs that you’re frantically trying to stop using your hands and forearms.  Yes I did that once.). Work it into a dough and knead for 5-10 minutes.  Then wrap in clingfilm and refrigerate for 30 mins (or up to 24 hours):  Then cut your dough into 6 pieces, flour it (and the pasta roller) and pass it through the pasta machine 4-5 times, moving to a thinner setting each time.  Alternatively, you can use a rolling pin if you’d prefer, but it takes more time

Your piece of dough should be long enough to form the top and base of 12 pieces of ravioli. Line half of the rolled dough over a floured, 12-piece ravioli mould.  Press the dough down using the press provided, then fill each indentation with the burrito ingredients.  Make sure it’s well filled.  You don’t want any air in the ravioli as it will expand during cooking, causing the ravioli to burst.

Brush the edges of the pasta with some water and then place the other half of the rolled dough on top.  Use a rolling pin to adhere the pasta sheets to each other.  Press down on the edges of the mould to cut out the shapes.  Turn the mould over and the ravioli should come out with a little press on the bottom of each one:  Leave the ravioli to dry out a little whilst you repeat with the rest of the dough.  When all are done, you can cook the ravioli in boiling water for 5-6 minutes.  You may need to do it in a couple of pans - to prevent the pans from becoming over-full (which may cause the ravioli to stick together). Drain the cooked ravioli in a colander, then gently toss it in some hot salsa. Serve sprinkled with grated cheese, spring onions and a little bit of chilli.  A blob of soured cream for dipping is lovely too.

The Spicy Burrito Ravioli Recipe:


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