Recently I started adding strawberries to my breakfast oatmeal and thought the combination would make a pretty good muffin too. Several experimental batches later I now have a strawberry oatmeal muffin that I’m proud to share with you. Here’s the deal, you don’t just want to toss some chopped strawberries into an oatmeal muffin batter. You can if you want, but they won’t turn out as well as they could. Macerate the strawberries first in a little sugar with some balsamic vinegar, to concentrate and intensify the flavor of the strawberries. Macerating the berries first also releases some of the strawberries’ moisture, which will go into the batter where you want it. One ingredient you might find odd in this recipe is the 1/4 teaspoon of finely ground black pepper. I don’t know what it is about black pepper, but just this small amount brightens the overall flavor of the muffin. The muffins get plenty of leavening from eggs, baking powder, and baking soda. The baking soda and the baking powder will react with the yogurt and vinegar as soon as they come together, so work quickly. Do not let the batter sit around. Get it into a muffin tin and into the oven as soon as you can after you mix the wet and dry ingredients. Sprinkle with white sugar and balsamic vinegar. Gently stir to coat the strawberries with the sugar and vinegar. Let cool for a couple minutes in the muffin tin before removing to serve. Strawberry, Balsamic, Black Pepper Sauce from the Merry Gourmet