The easiest way to get my husband to eat fish is to cover it in sugar and grill it.  Served up with rice mixed with cheese and I know I’ll get no complaints! The fact that it’s actually a pretty healthy meal with salmon and veggies doesn’t even come into it (for him anyway). Sorry Chris, I make you sound like a small child that I have to fool into eating healthy stuff.  I know you’re a grown man really. Even if you have just recently bought an X-box and a few boxes of Lego (for yourself I might add), ~ and your new favourite TV programme is Phineus and Ferb, ~ and you get endless enjoyment from play-fighting and hatching plans with the kids to put ice-cubes down my top. Not that I’d change a single thing! (except maybe the ice bit).

Coming back to the recipe, this dinner is seriously tasty.  The coating on top of the salmon is sweet, sticky and just a little bit crisp.  It also protects the salmon from the heat of cooking, which means your salmon will be lovely and juicy in the middle. The rice is also a little spicy (but not hot-chilli-spicy).  It’s made with easy-cook rice - which I only EVER use for this dish.  I find easy cook rice is less sticky, so it works better in this type of dish where you don’t want it to clump together.  Dotted with peppers, tomatoes and feta it’s yummy enough to eat on it’s own. It’s hard not to eat every bite, but if you do have any leftovers, the salmon and rice make great cold leftovers for the next day. I also served this meal with the Peach & Pineapple Salsa I posted on Monday, and let me tell you; it works perfectly together!

I really hope you give this Sugar Spiced Salmon with Fancy Rice a go, and maybe you can get the carnivores in your family to enjoy fish too! Failing that, you can always stick to the meat and try out the coffee & spice rubbed steak I made for Brit.Co recently:

Drool. I’ll have both please.

The Sugar Spiced Salmon with Fancy Rice Recipe:

Sugar Spiced Salmon with Fancy Rice - 70Sugar Spiced Salmon with Fancy Rice - 93Sugar Spiced Salmon with Fancy Rice - 39Sugar Spiced Salmon with Fancy Rice - 55Sugar Spiced Salmon with Fancy Rice - 88Sugar Spiced Salmon with Fancy Rice - 14Sugar Spiced Salmon with Fancy Rice - 14