The culprit? My own greedy hands! The hands that pick them when I’m out in the garden and pop them in my mouth like candy. My father admits to the same. Some actually do make it into the kitchen, but then they are snacked away before anything resembling a dish can be made with them. We’ve had a resurgence of hot weather the last few days, which is good news for ripening tomatoes, and finally we’ve had a day when I picked more than I ate. Must have eaten lunch before harvesting, what a concept! Remember what they tell you about never going grocery shopping while hungry? The same holds true for gardening. This is an easy salad to throw together, the base is tomatoes, cucumbers, and feta cheese. We used cherry and pear tomatoes and cucumbers from the garden, and added some fresh mint, oregano, and shallots. Dressed with lemon juice and olive oil. You could also add some Kalamata olives and arugula.