It’s a “composed” salad with avocados, bacon, chicken, hard boiled eggs, and tomatoes. The only problem is that sometimes, just sometimes, you want something a little lighter. Perhaps you had bacon and eggs for breakfast, and you don’t feel like having more at lunch. This was the dilemma we found ourselves in during a recent trip to Washington DC, wanting a substantial salad for an evening meal, but without all that bacon. We found a great solution at the Hard Rock Cafe in D.C., in the form of their “Anti-Cobb” salad. Instead of bacon, eggs, and tomato, the Hard Rock salad included mango, apple slices, and dried cranberries. Perfect! The following recipe is based on that salad, and is more of a guideline than a precise recipe. I haven’t given any amounts, because it really depends on how much you want to make, and how much of any one of the ingredients you might want in the salad.